Normally creating buyer personas is the responsibility of the marketing team.
I would suggest if you inherit buyer personas and you are not in agreement with them or think new personas should be created, set a meeting with head of marketing and have a nice discussion. Nice, being the key word.
If you do not have a marketing team and are responsible for creating your own content, which is not uncommon for a start up and early stage company, you should sit and create buy personas.
Why you may ask? Good question.
Because it will force you to define your target market and the people that will and can buy your product. It will also force you to define the problem you solve for each person and role. Which in turn will make sure you are thinking about solving a problem rather than just selling a product. Once these personas are created they should be used in how you reach out, present and convert a prospect to a client.
Below is an example and a template to use.
Please do not confuse this exercise as a replacement to high quality discovery. Personas help you understand commonality. They do not replace spending time and finding out what each buyers problems are.